Technisches Wörterbuch

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Mehrsprachiges Wörterbuch Rollertechnik

Deutsch Italienisch Französisch Spanisch Englisch
Achse asse ### ### axle
Ansaugstutzen ### pipe d'admission ### inlet manifold
Aufkleber adesivi m ### ### sticker
Auspuff marmitta f pot d’échappement ### exhaust / pipe
Backe cofano m aile cubre side panel
Bedienungsanleitung ### manuel d'entretien ### manual
Beilagsscheibe rondella f rondelle arandela washer
Beinschild ### tablier ### leg shield
Benzinhahn rubinetto m robinet d'essence grifo mezcla fuel tap
Benzinhahnschlüssel chiave rubinetto clef demonte robinet ### fuel tap spanner
Blinker lampeggiatori m clignotant m ### indicators
Bolzen perno boulon ### pivot
Bremsbacken ganascia freno mâchoire de frein zapata freno brake shoes
Bremshebel leva freno levier de frein m ### brake lever
Bremspedal pedale freno m pédale de frein pedal freno brake pedal
Bremstrommel (_ vorne/_ hinten) tamburo m (_ anteriore/_ posteriore) tambour de frein tambor freno (_ delantero/_ trasero) brake drum (front _/rear _)
Chokehebel ### tirette de starter ### ###
Dichtung guarnizione joint m oder garniture ### gasket
Ersatzradhalter porteruota di scorta porte roue de secours soporto rueda de recambio spare wheel bracket
Fächerscheibe rondella dentellata f ### arandela dentada star washer
Feder molle m ressort f muelle spring
Federklammer anello elastico ### ### circlip
Federscheibe rondella elastica f ### arandela grower spring washer
Felge cherchione m (Mz. -i) jante llanta rim
Felgenmutter dado cerchione m ### ### wheel rim nut
Gasgriff ### poignet d'accelerateur ### throttle
Gaszug gavetto gas m cable de gaz ### throttle cable
Gepäckbrücke portasella f porte-bagages ### plate carrier / seat pod
Gepäckträger portapacchi m porte-bagages porta equipajes carrier
Halteblech piastrina fissagio ### ### fixing plate
Hauptdüse getto maximo m ### gicleur del maximo main jet
Hauptständer cavalletto centrale m béquille pata caballete centre stand
Hauptwelle ### arbre de boite de vitesses ### main shaft
Hupe clacson m avertisseur claxon horn
Kabelbaum gruppo cavetti m oder impianto elettrico m faisceau grupo cables cable harness / wiring loom
Kabelkästchen ### boitier de branchement electrique ### junction box
Kaskade copristerzo m calandre ### horn casting
Kickstarter leva avviamento kick(starter) pedal puesta en marcha kickstart
Klemmspiegel specchietto a molletta m ### ### legshield mirror
Kolben pistone m piston m pistón piston
Kolbenbolzen spinotto m axe du piston ### gudgeon pin
Kolbenbolzenclip anello elastico per spinotto m circlip d'axe de piston anillo elástico eje de pistón circlips for gudgeon pin
Kolbenring anello per pistone m bague segmento por pistón piston ring
Kolbenstopper blocca pistone bloque piston ### piston stopper
Kondensator condensatore f condensateur condensador condenser
Kotflügel parafango m garde-boue guardabarros mudgard
Kotflügelnase cresta parafango f crête de garde-boue ### mudgard crest
Kronenmutter dado corona écrou crénelé m ### castellated nut
Krümmer tubo scarico m ### ### exhaust manifold
Kupplung frizione embrayage embrague clutch
Kupplungsabzieher togliafrizzione extracteur d'embrayage ### clutch puller
Kupplungshebel leva frizione levier d'embrayage ### clutch lever
Kupplungstrennpilz rallino frizione m embout bulón empuje embrague clutch pressure pad
Kurbelwelle albero motore m arbre moteur oder embiellage gigüeñal crankshaft
Lager cuscinetto m roulement ### bearing
Lampensockel porta lampada f porte ampoules portalámparas bulb socket
Lenker manubrio m guidon manillar handlebar
Lenkergriff manopola f poignée ### handlebar grip
Lenkerschloß bloccasterzo m neiman ### steering lock
Lichtschalter commutatore luci m commutateur conmutador luz light switch
Lichtspule bobina luci f bobine d'alimentation ### light coil
Lüfterradabdeckung copriventola cache turbine od. ~ volant tapa volante magnético flywheel cover
Luftfilter filtro dell'aria m filtre à air filtro de aire airfilter
Motor motore m moteur motor engine
Motordeckel sportello motore m portiere moteur portezuela del cubre-motor engine side panel
Mutter dado m (Mz. -i) écrou m tuerca nut
Nabendeckel tappo del tamburo m ### ### brake drum plug
Nadel (Lager) rullino m (roulement à) aiguilles ### needle (bearing)
Nebendüse getto minimo m ### gicleur del minimo idle jet
Niete perno m rivet f ### rivet
Ölablassschraube tappo olio m écrou de vidange tapón aceite oil drain plug
Polrad volano m volant rotor volante flywheel
Polradabzieher togliaventola extracteur de volant ### flywheel puller
Rad ruota f (Mz. -e) roue rueda wheel
Radachse asse ruota axe roue ### wheel axle
Rahmen telaio m châssis oder coque bastidor chassis oder frame
Rücklicht fanalino posteriore m feu arrière piloto rear lamp
Rückspiegel specchio m rétroviseur ### mirror
Rückspiegelhalter staffa per supporto specchio ### ### mirror bracket
Schaltgabel innesto per cambio m croisillon de changement de vitesses ### gear selector
Schaltgriff ### poignet de changement de vitesse ### gearchange rod
Schaltkreuz crocera croisillon de changement de vitesses ### cruciform
Scheinwerfer fanale anteriore m oder faro phare avant faro delantero head lamp
Scheinwerferblende visiera per faro anteriore visière de phare ### ###
Scheinwerferchromring cornice cromato per faro cerclage de phare chromé bisel chromed headlamp rim
Schmiernippel ingrassatore m ### ### grease nipple
Schnarre raganella f ### ### rattle
Schraube m. durchgehendem Gewinde vite f vis f tornillo screw
Schaftschraube bullone m boulon ### bolt
Schwimmer galleggiante m flotteur m ### float
Schwimmernadel spillo conico m pointeau ### float needle
Schwingenabdeckung coperchio mozzo m ### tapa buje fork link cover
Schwingenbolzen perno ruota ### ### fork link pivot pin
Schwingsattel hinten sella posteriore f selle arrière sillín rear saddle
Schwingsattel vorne sella anteriore f selle avant sillín front saddle
Seilzug (komplett) transmissone m transmission ### bowden cable (complete)
Sicherungskeil (Halbmondkeil) chiavetta f clavette chaveta woodruff key
Simmerring paraolio joint spy ### oil seal
Sitzbank sella biposto f ### sillín largo seat
Sitzbankzapfen perno aggancio sella biposto axe d'ancrage de selle perno del sillín seat pin
Soffite lampadina siluro ampoule navette ### festoon bulb
Splint coppiglia goupille ### split pin
Ständerfüße scarpette in gomma sabot zapatos stand
Stoßdämpfer ammortizzatore m amortisseur amortiguador damper / shock absorber
Stoßdämpferfeder molle sospensione m ### muelle suspensión suspension spring
Tacho contachilometri m compteur (-kilométrique) cuentakilometros speedometer
Tachoritzel rocchetto m ### ### speedometter drive pinion
Tachoschnecke ### engrenage de transmission de compteur ### speedo drive
Tachowelle pignone contakilometri transmission de compteur ### speedo cable
Tank serbatoio réservoir déposito fuel tank
Trittleisten listelli pedana m baguettes de sol tira reposapiés floor rails
Typenschild ### plaque de mines ### type sign / badge
Unterbrecherkontakte ruttore m rupteur ruptor points
Vergaser carburatore m carburateur carburador carburettor
Vergaserdeckel sportello carburatore m trappe carburateur ### ###
Werkzeugfach sacca per attrezzi coffre à outils caja porta de herramientas tool box
Zierfelge borchia per ruota f enjoliveur de roue ### wheel boss
Zoll (Maßeinheit) pollici pouce m ### inch
Zündgrundplatte supporto bobine plateau d'allumage ### stator plate
Zündkerze candela bougie ### spark plug
Zündspule bobina di alimentazione f bobine de haute tension ### high tension (=HT) coil
Zug (Kabel) cavetto m câble ### cable
Zughülle guaina gaine ### bowden outer sleeve
Zylinder cilindro m cylindre cilindro cylinder / barrel
Zylinderkopf testa-cilindro culasse culata cylinder head
Zylinderhutze calottina cilindro f od. cuffie per cilindro cache cylindre ### engine cowl

Terminologie dt. - engl.

Deutsch Englisch Begriffsbestimmung engl
* | Motor
OT Top Dead Center (TDC) The top of the piston's stroke
UT Bottom Dead Center (BDC) The bottom of the piston's stroke.
## Deck Top of Cylinder or Sleeve.
## Deck Height Top of cylinder down to top of piston "negative deck."
## Positive Deck If piston is above top of cylinder.
Quetschspalte Squish Clearance Verticle distance between top of piston and head. Measured at the edge of piston. See "Squish Test" for measuring with soft lead solder over wrist pin.
Nutzhub Effective Stroke The distance from TDC to where the piston starts to open the exhaust port. (Also called: Power Stroke) A longer effective stroke helps low-end power and helps maintain compression at high altitude.
## Swept Volume Volume of cylinder with piston at exhaust port opening to TDC. (4-stroke would be volume/cc's displaced by piston from BDC to TDC.)
## Trapped Volume Volume of combustion chamber with piston at TDC.
Verdichtungsverhältnis Compression Ratio (CR) Volume of cylinder and combustion chamber with piston at exhaust port opening, divided by, volume of combustion chamber with piston at TDC. This is the "corrected" compression ratio. Most accurate way is to "cc" with a syringe or burette. Note: Power valves will change CR until valve is wide open.
BMEP BMEP Brake Mean Effective Pressure.

Deutsch Englisch Begriffsbestimmung engl
* | Kanal Terminologie
Kanal Port Air passageway/duct that is cast and/or machined into the cylinder.
## Port Window The part of the port that opens into the cylinder bore.
## Exhaust Port The large port where the burnt gasses exit the cylinder.
Geteilter Auslass Bridged Exhaust Port Exhaust port with a center divider.
Nebenauslässe Sub-Exhaust Ports The small exhaust ports on each side of the main exhaust port. Measure at "choke point" not necessarily the port window.
Auslass mit 2 Nebenauslässen Triple Exhaust Ports One main exhaust port with one sub exhaust port on each side.
Überströmer Transfer Ports/Ducts The air passageways that allow the air/fuel mixture to transfer over the top of the piston to fill the cylinder.
Hauptüberströmer Main/Front Transfers The 2 transfer ports located closest to the exhaust port (5 port).
Nebenüberströmer Secondary/Rear Transfers The 2 rear transfer ports located closest to the boost port(s) (5 port).
Boostport Boost Port(s) The port or ports that are located opposite of the exhaust port and in-line with the intake port. These ports are usually angled sharply upwards to help scavenging.
Hilfsüberströmer Auxiliary Transfers Some cylinders have another set of transfers located between the front and rear sets (7 port).
## Transfer Base Where the air enters the ducts/passagways at the bottom of cylinder & top of crankcase.
Kurbelwinkel Crank Angle Crankshaft rotation measured in degrees. Total = 360 degrees.
Steuerwinkel Port Timing Degrees of crankshaft rotation after TDC to where port starts to open.
Steuerzeit Duration The number of degrees of crankshaft rotation that a port is open.
Zeitquerschnitt TA = Time-Area = TimeArea The time and area required for a phase of the 2-stroke cycle at a specific RPM and BMEP. Examples: Transfer Port TA, Exhaust Port TA, Blowdown TA, and Intake Port TA.
## Port-TimeArea The amount of time and area required for a port to flow the necessary air at a specific rpm and BMEP. The higher an engine rpm and/or pressure (BMEP) the more TimeArea required.
Sehnenmass Chordal Width = 90 degrees to Gas Flow or shortest straightline distance between sides.
Vorauslass BlowDown Measured in degrees of crankshaft rotation from Exhaust Port opening to the Transfer Ports opening.
## BlowDown TA Must allow the cylinder pressure to drop below the pressure of the fuel air mixture at time of transfer ports opening. If the Blowdown pressure is to high when transfer ports open, it will stall or reverse, the incoming charge of fuel and air.
## LowBlow Width Width of exhaust port when transfer ports open. Used to calculate BlowDown TimeArea.
## Port Height above BDC With piston at BDC, measure from bottom of port, or piston, depending on which is higher, to top of port roof.
ÜS-Dachwinkel? Port Roof Angle The angle of the top of the port at the window. Flat ='s 0 degrees.
Spülung Scavenging The process of pushing the burnt gas out of the cylinder and combustion chamber with a fresh fuel air charge. The transfer ports shape and direction of flow determines how the fresh charge will fill the cylinder and combustion chamber without short circuiting out the exhaust port. A good pipe will help the scavenging process.

Deutsch Englisch Begriffsbestimmung engl
* | Kopf Terminologie
## MSV Maximum Squish Velocity rates the maximum velocity of the fuel air traveling across the squishband just before the piston reaches TDC. If MSV is to low the flame front will not burn the fuel air mixture effectively. If MSV is to high, detonation will occur and cause engine damage. The TSR programs calculate MSV for various types of heads.
Dachfoermige Kopfform Tub Head Shape of the combustion chamber - like a tub or hat.
Halbkugelförmige Kopfform Hemi Head Hemispherical shape for the combustion chamber.
Quetschfläche Squish Band Outer area of head that forces the unburned fuel air mix into the center chamber for combustion. The squish band angle is usually 1-2 degrees greater than the angle of the piston dome. Verticle clearance and squishband width affect MSV.
Quetschspalte Squish Verticle distance between top of piston and head. By measuring the step in the head and subtracting this number from the squish clearance you will have the distance the piston is below deck (negative deck). The negative deck measurement is needed to calculate port timing.
Quetschspaltenverhältnis Squish Band Area Varies from 30% - 60% of Bore area.


--MiNiKiN 12:37, 13. Nov. 2009 (UTC) engl. Woerterbuch korrigiert und ergaenzt, Motorterminologie engl. hinzugefuegt